Sunday, November 11, 2012

FYI: Portland

I'm already loving Portland, just one day visiting here. Gives me a lot to think about when deciding where I want to work for the next 4 yrs. Here's some helpful and weird facts about the city:

1. Per book, Portland is known for its "vibrant neighboorhoods,... environmental awareness, liberal politics.."
-Sounds already like my undergrad days in SF and used to it and love it. Apparently, plastic bags are on their way out, being replaced by reusable paper bags. Found this out when shopping for a book. Coming from Pasadena, where plastic bags are already outlawed in grocery stores..should not be a problem. At least here they don't charge for the paper bag.

2. Also known for its "coffeehouse and brewpub culture" There is 38 breweries in Portland alone with 11% of Oregon's beer consumption coming from craft beer.
-My blood is really made out of coffee. After spending a month in Europe, I tolerate Starbucks here in the States, but know deep down there is coffee way better than that. As for the brewpub culture, my hubby wants to open one up down the moving here would be perfect.
-note to self: when i return (pretty sure i have to bring the hubby), will try local roaster, Stumptown Coffee Roasters.

3. "buy some measures, its the whitest city in the country."
-Growing up in Los Angeles, I'm used to alot of racial diversity. Considering that I want to work in county facities helping undeserved populations, this maybe an issue. My friends have said that Portland is getting more diverse. The Hispanic population, like everywhere else in the country is growing. There is enough of an Asian population up here, that is also growing, that I at least don't stick out like a sore thumb.

4. Random fact: Oregon considers stripping and nude shows to be part of freedom of speech. As a consequence, Portland has the most strip clubs per capita.

5. My friend states that bikes rule the street. You seem them everywhere and bike racks are spread throughout the city. I hate cyclists in Los Angeles, mainly because there is no dedicated bike lanes in many places, but at least here there is room for them. Depending on where you live, you can bike around, which is awesome. However, living in the 'burbs, a car is essential. Maybe its time to buy a bike with a doggy basket for Gidget?

6. Dog Fancy in 2006 called Portland as the best all around city for Dogs.
Gidget will have a field day if we move here. There's so many hiking trails she can explore as well as the most dog parks per capita. Portland proper is also filled with dog friendly businesses. Lucky Lab Brewing Company and many other restaurants and cafes allow you to eat and drink with your dog on outside patios.

7. Skiing/Snowboarding
Living in the Northwest, you can't be too far from amazing snow right?? Closest to Portland is the Mount Hood area, about a 4 hour drive. Night skiiing offered at many.
Neighboring resorts:
-Hoodoo- close to Salem and Eugene
-Mt. Hood Meadows
-Mt. Hood Skibowl-closest to Portland, large amount of black diamond runs
-Timberland- has deepest snow base
-Whistler- an amazing resort in Canada, on my husband's to do list, is about 7 hours away.

Much to think about as I anticipate where I want to work and live for the immediate future.

Until the next adventure,

P.S. What do you think about moving to Portland? Leave a comment

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