Friday, May 12, 2017

5.11.2017 Sleeping with a smile on my face


I hardly got any sleep for the past two nights because I can't believe I am finally here. I'm in the city I dreamed of visiting for so long. I romanticized about Paris for at least ten years. And now I am finally here.

My trip kept being delayed due to my schooling and finances. For so long, I pushed aside some of my desires to focus on my career. But I realized I was getting lost in the day to day work shuffle. Isn't the point of working so we can enjoy life sometimes? I just kept putting off really enjoying the life part. Even when looking at this blog, which is an attempt to enjoy the moments of life, you can see how disjointed it is because adult life kept getting in the way.

In my idealized view of Europe, but especially France, is that them their citizens seem to better get this enjoying life concept, far better than us Americans and Asians. I feel that is the reason I am drawn to France, and  made it a bucket list to visit Paris.

Now that I am here, I've been excited for the past two days (granted there are some stressful moments than most travelers including me have) but for whatever reason ( my idealism) is pushing my through to enjoy exploring this amazing city. I tell my husband and travel companion that it feels so surreal, like a dream. I just hope I enjoy it long enough before I wake up. 

Till next time,
Cutiee 23


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