Friday, May 19, 2017

Paris Takeways


1. There is too much to do in one visit. Expect to come back, multiple times if you are lucky.
My hubby and I came up with a plan in future trips to have each part of the day devoted to something (ie. Museum or tour), but leave the rest of the day for relaxation and spontaneity. What's the point of taking a vacation when you are working hard to go from one site to the next and that leaves you drained for the day?  Doesn't sound like much of a vacation.

2. Paris is a walking city. Bring good walking shoes. Pack some band aids. Get a foot massage. (If you happen to be stopping in San Francisco each terminal has an express spa. SFO also has a yoga room, but I digress...)

3. People move slower than expected for a big city. Enjoy it. Embrace it.

4. Savor your food. Dine for hours.

5. Enjoy a lazy day, have a picnic and nap.

6. Bonjour, Merci, and S'il vous plait are need to know phrases. More people know English than you expect, but some will appreciate your effort to use French. Parisians are no more ruder than anyone else who lives in a big city.

7. Appreciate every moment.

Until next time, cutiee23

5. 14-15 2017: Exploring the City of Lights


No plans or tickets today. Just exploring the beauty of Paris on Champs de Elysses and Montmartre. I loved the hat shop at the bottom of the hill, whose owner brings her black lab to enjoy the ambience. The guy dressed in all white and trying to pass as a human statue was a laugh. The white vans were a big giveaway.

Until next time,

Thursday, May 18, 2017

5.12.2017 First Full Day in Paris


I have come to the conclusion that there is too much to do and see in one visit. Once I understood that, I was able to slow down a bit and enjoy what I was seeing in front of me, instead of all the sites I wouldn't be able to get to. I'll guess I'll just have to return again. Not a bad consolation prize. 

Learning to use the Paris metro is pretty easy, after a few tries. However, what my hubby and I learned with all the map reading is that what seems close on the map is not as close in reality. Almost missed our Eiffel Tower Tour because we came out of one of the many metro stops that are close to the tower, but ended up at a stop that is exactly opposite end than where we needed to go. Guess it was a learning experience. Must say that it was worth getting the Skip the Line Tour and Summit access for the Eiffel Tower. I know Paris is a walking city, but after running to make the tour, I didn't want to walk the hundreds of steps up.

At Notre Dame, my hubby and I learned that it is good practice to ignore most people that ask you if you speak English. Turned out they ask you to fill out a survey (mostly your contact info) to help a charity, then ask for money, then proceed to ask for more money. Later on, I read in my Rick Steves' Guidebook this is a common scam. At least we left before we gave them any money.


One thing I love about France the appreciation of beauty in multiple aspects of their life. Case in point is the Sainte Chapelle Chapel, a medieval chapel filled with stained glass. I could just stare at the walls all day. 


And to top off the day, the Louvre. We learned that the Louvre opens late on Wednesday and Friday nights which can be a way to beat the crowds. I don't know if its just me being on a vacation or what, but time seemed to pass by so quickly. I felt I was taking forever to do anything, but my partner in crime reminds me that its because I am savoring my experiences. Our goal was to see the 3 or 4 important works of art (Mona Lisa, Winged Victory, Venus de Milo) and that took us about 1.5 hours. It was an awe-inspiring experience to see in real life these artworks that I've learned about in high school and college. As someone who is not creative or artistic, I am envious of anyone who has an imagination to create. It's a really gift.

Until next time,
cutiee 23

5.13.2017 The luxurious lifestyle at Versailles


The theme again with this trip: THERE IS TOO MUCH TO SEE AND DO! Versailles is no exception. We were able to see the Chateau and some of the gardens, but there is more garden to explore as well as additional property that is a 30 minute hike from the gardens. Another place that we will re-visit during our next trip to Paris.

 Maybe it's the little girl in me, but I love visiting castles and estates. I love to pretend its my property and dream that I can relax around luxury. I knew Marie Antoinette loved papillons (my favorite dog breed) so was glad to see a few portraits of women with their papillions. Gidget (my papillon) would fit right in. After all the walking, I took a nap with my hubby next to the canal in the garden. What a perfect way to end a visit. 


 Until next time, cutiee23

Friday, May 12, 2017

5.11.2017 Sleeping with a smile on my face


I hardly got any sleep for the past two nights because I can't believe I am finally here. I'm in the city I dreamed of visiting for so long. I romanticized about Paris for at least ten years. And now I am finally here.

My trip kept being delayed due to my schooling and finances. For so long, I pushed aside some of my desires to focus on my career. But I realized I was getting lost in the day to day work shuffle. Isn't the point of working so we can enjoy life sometimes? I just kept putting off really enjoying the life part. Even when looking at this blog, which is an attempt to enjoy the moments of life, you can see how disjointed it is because adult life kept getting in the way.

In my idealized view of Europe, but especially France, is that them their citizens seem to better get this enjoying life concept, far better than us Americans and Asians. I feel that is the reason I am drawn to France, and  made it a bucket list to visit Paris.

Now that I am here, I've been excited for the past two days (granted there are some stressful moments than most travelers including me have) but for whatever reason ( my idealism) is pushing my through to enjoy exploring this amazing city. I tell my husband and travel companion that it feels so surreal, like a dream. I just hope I enjoy it long enough before I wake up. 

Till next time,
Cutiee 23